Apple Patents Augmented Reality Displays

As Apple Insider reports today, the US patent office just published two interesting patent fillings by Apple in January of last year.
The first, titled "Synchronized, interactive augmented reality displays for multifunction devices" is a very broad term patent and discuss methods to identify object, display an information layer on top of a live video feed and share that layer between users.

The second, and surely much more exciting is simply titled "Transparent electronic devices" and concerns "A method and system for displaying images on a transparent display of an electronic device ... the display screens may allow for overlaying of images over real world viewable objects"
. Or in other words - transparent iPads are coming!!!11221!. Seriously though here's quoting again from the patent:

These overlays whether in handheld or other electronic devices 10, may provide an "augmented reality" interface in which the overlays virtually interact with real-world objects. For example, the overlays may be transmitted onto a display screen that overlays a museum exhibit, such as a painting. The overlay may include information relating to the painting that may be useful or interesting to viewers of the exhibit. Additionally, overlays may be utilized on displays in front of, for example, landmarks, historic sites, or other scenic locations. The overlays may again provide information relating to real-world objects as they are being viewed by a user. These overlays may additionally be utilized on, for example, vehicles utilized by tourists. For example, a tour bus may include one or more displays as windows for users. These displays may present overlays that impart information about locations viewable from the bus

Interesting stuff, don't you think?
More information at Apple Insider.


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