This Post is Rated AR

Very short post following my prediction that 2010 will be the inaugural year for augmented reality porn. A couple of days ago, AppScout reported about the latest venture in this area, Pink Visual's AR Porn (NSFW link).

Well, it's porn all-right, but the AR is gimmicky at best. Here's Pink Visual's Amanda Cory explaining the potential of such application -

And here's a close-up video of the application itself, showing how much the potential is left unfulfilled at the moment (sorry, you'll have to follow the link due to some mild nudity). Not to mention the intrinsic problem of flash-based AR porn - porn websites can record everything that is visible by your webcam while using the application. Isn't that exciting?

via AppScout.


Mike said...

in other news Amanda Cory blows her own promotional model out of the water. Amanda, if you happen to be using Google Alerts and are reading this right now, lets get in touch for dinner sometime. I would like to learn more about you

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