How Augmented Reality is Changing the World Cup
Zakumi in FLARToolkit
The good: It seems to be created by a single programmer. Cheers for the initiative.
The god-awful bad: The music. I rather hear vuvuzelas than this one hit wonder.
Kappa's "We Are One"
The good: The music is better than the previous video.
The bad: It's in Chinese, so it's hard for me to tell, but I think you need to download an application to play with it. Hello? This is 2010s, not prehistoric 2009!
Sony Ericsson World Cup Game
The good: You get to be a world famous soccer player while hitting soccer balls with your head in this game created by Total Immersion's partner CherryPicks.
The bad: World famous soccer players are not necessarily handsome.
The world cup in a shopping mall
The good: Nice game, showing there are still some innovative things to do with a marker on a piece of paper. Made by another partner of TI - InterAct 3d.
The bad: Couldn't they have the same application accessible through a webcam?
Junaio's virtual soccer field overlay
The good: A brave attempt by Metaio to show game statistics for fans in the stadium in an unconventional way.
The bad: You have to be in South Africa to see it, and no videos are available. I'm a bit skeptic.
More info: where you can read about another application assisting you to find a good joint to see the next soccer match.

Zugara's AR game in a banner
The good: Really cool creative, you need to "head in" corner kicks in this AD for AT&T.
The bad: AT&T. And people looking at you from behind while you're jerking your head around.
KickBall AR
The good: Much better than AR Boomerang, this is the only mobile application on this list.
The bad: Only available for Samsung's Bada operating system and the fact that Tom already wrote about it.
If I've missed anything (surely there's a Layar layer for the games, no?), please feel free to add a comment.
So how AR is changing the world cup? Well it's not, but for my first post in nearly three weeks, I had to try a title inspired by the linkbait generator. Anyhow, the usual "Weekly Linkfest" will return next week and as usual be sure to follow me on Twitter.
Hi Indeed there are some Layar developments for the World Cup.
Check out:
Here are some Layar links: (only visible in the soccer stadiums in South Africa)
See also -
thanks for the info @remcovrOOm and anonymous.
The orange dress ladies layer is funny :)
@rouli thanks... we think so too ;-)
But it is also a statement to the Fifa who seem to be able to influence a country to arrest the girls over advertising. There is even talk about "advertising free zones" around football stadiums. The big question is now... who owns the digital media space...
I say... we do! ;-D
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