Popcode Pops into the AR Scene

The young British company, Extra Reality Ltd. (founded this June) has posted a couple of very impressive demos of its first product Popcode. With the goal of commercializing AR research done in the University of Cambridge, Popcode is a combination of marker based and marker less approaches. First the user needs to scan an easily identifiable code which causes her mobile to download a model used to register and augment a marker-less image. The registration seems quite robust:

The best thing is that Extra Reality provide an SDK to develop your own AR models, which can then be uploaded to their servers to be identified by clients worldwide. And it's free for non-commercial use.
I'm a bit worried about their marker code, though, as it seems to contain a very limited number of bits. If Popcode becomes hugely successful (and I really hope so), they'll have to come up with another scheme.
Sadly, it's only available for Android right now, so I can't really test it (hey, benevolent sponsors to be, this is a call for help!).
See more demos at Popcode's website.


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