If you were living in a cave for the last two weeks,
Droid, Motorola's new Android device is heralded as the new iPhone killer. The campaign created to promote the coming the new phone has focused on what Droid does that the iPhone cannot do. Interestingly,
Thomas Carpenter has noticed the following tease on the
Droid's promotion site (click image for full size):

So, are they meaning Layar/Wikitude or something completely different? After all, we do have those on the iPhone, but the iPhone is famous for its lack of support for real video-feed-processing type of AR.
Time will tell ...
The iPhone is not the only one with a lack for real video-feed-processing type of AR.... Android does too !!! To my knoweldge, there is no such app on Android as of today, although there is no limiation on the video feed analysis...
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