Augmented Reality in 2010: The People have Spoken

2010 is here (we are living in the future!) and it's time to take a look at our survey published a month ago, asking for your predictions for the coming year.

Well, the results speaks for themselves. 3 out of 4 responders, believe that the buzz will only grow around augmented reality in 2010 (though nineteen were brave enough to think differently). You bet on augmented games and porn, but you don't buy into the prospect of cool HMDs, making access to such applications easier. And although most of you count on Google to make a major AR play (which, well, is not a prediction but rather a fact), you surely don't believe this will cause a consolidation in the AR browser market.
Hopefully, we will revisit this post and the other post in this series next year and see who get what right. Till then, have a happy new year!


Jonny said...

I expect MVIS glasses to be a huge step. Is anybody else developing augmented reality glasses?
If you know, let me know at

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